The Icon - TimeBox
Essay by Sebastjan Leban What is going on today in the field of the economy of the visual? What symbols, strategies and concepts are we faced with in the era of digitalization and, above all, what are the consequences of the passage from the cinematic to the digital mode of production. This last has changed the capitalist machine into a fluid, grid-like matrix introducing new codes into its mode of operation. Codes that have, following the new territorialization and the process of digitalization, upgraded their analogic function. As a result, we are not only being colonized at the material level, but are as well being forced into epistemological thinking imposed on us by the system. This is occurring through new media, TV ads, reality shows, in short, through our everyday reality, where we are being passivized up to the point that allows us to still be socially productive, yet politically sterile. The project Icon - TimeBox exposes the relationship through which a new form of colonization is taking shape in the sphere of the visual. Radovič deliberately confronts us with the icon of the star and the attri Icon - TimeBox butes it assumes in communism and in capitalism, along with the specific message and specific ideology it bears. The belief that the advent of democracy and the consequent demonization of communism has brought an end to ideological apparatuses is mistaken, and it comes as a result of the mediation of capitalist values. In reality, ideological tools have upgraded to such a degree that it makes it possible today to speak about the simultaneous agency of the ideological and repressive apparatuses of the state and capital. The project Icon - TimeBox places the icon of the star at the forefront of ideological (re)production. The icon thus serves as an analysis of the ideological apparatus of the state and capital. By placing two periods, two ideologies and two dictatorships in the same space, Radovič opens the way to new interpretations of both the system of visual codes used by these regimes as a means of their representation, as well as Althusser's differentiation of the field in which ideology operates. Icon - TimeBox functions so as to temporarily abolish the symbolic and real difference between communism and capitalism, exposing their common denominator that finds its most evident expression in the economy of the visual. The icon becomes at once a means of admiration, liberation and oppression. Kaj se danes dogaja na področju ekonomije vidnega? Katerim simbolom, strategijam in konceptom smo priča v dobi digitalizacije in predvsem, kakšne so posledice prehoda iz kinematičnega v digitalni način produkcije. Ta je spremenil kapitalistični stroj v matrico, ki je fluidna, mrežno razpršena in ki v svoj način delovanja vnaša nove kode. Kode, ki so prek nove teritorializacije skozi proces digitalizacije nadgradili svojo analogno funkcijo. To pomeni, da nas sistem ne kolonizira zgolj na materialni ravni, ampak nam sočasno vsiljuje svoj epistemološki način razmišljanja prek novih medijev, televizijskih reklam, resničnostnih šovov. Skratka, vsiljuje nam ga prek naše dnevne realnosti, kjer smo pasivizirani ravno do tiste stopnje, ko smo še družbeno produktivni, a politično sterilni.
Projekt Icon - TimeBox načenja in izpostavlja relacijo, preko katere se implementira nova kolonizacija na področju vidnega. Radovič nas namenoma sooči z ikono zvezde in njenimi atributi v komunizmu in kapitalizmu. Obe nosita svoje sporočilo, za obema se nahaja specifična ideologija. Prepričanje, da se je s prihodom demokracije in posledično demonizacijo komunizma prekinilo delovanje ideoloških aparatov, je zmotno in je posledica medijacije kapitalističnih vrednot. Še več, ideološki instrumentarij se je nadgradil do te stopnje, da lahko danes govorimo o sočasnem delovanju ideoloških in represivnih aparatov države in kapitala. Projekt Icon - TimeBox postavlja ikono zvezde v samo ospredje ideološke (re)produkcije. Ikona kot analiza ideloškega aparata države in kapitala. Radovičevo pozicioniranje dveh časov, dveh ideologij in dveh diktatur v skupni prostor omogoča novo branje tako sistema vizualnih kodov, ki jih omenjena režima uporabljata za svojo reprezentacijo, kot Althusserjeve diferenciacije polja delovanja ideologije. Funkcija projekta Icon - TimeBox je, da začasno ukinja simbolno in realno razliko med komunizmom in kapitalizmom ter izpostavlja njun skupni imenovalec, ki ga lahko zaznamo ravno v ekonomiji vidnega. Ikona postane hkrati sredstvo občudovanja, svobode in zatiranja. Photographs were made in:
Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, France, Gorgia, Croatia, Italy, Macedonia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Turkey, Great Britain, USA. Fotografije so bile posnete v naslednjih državah: Avstrija, Bosna in Hercegovina, Francija, Gruzija, Hrvaška, Italija, Makedonija, Nemčija, Slovaška, Slovenija, Tunizija, Turčija, Velika Britanija, Združene države Amerike. |
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